Product Description
We live in interesting times. The rise of social media, artificial intelligence, internet of things and other advancements in technology have impacted the way people interact with one another. Some, to a certain extent may even argue that it has fractured our interactions, even though we find ourselves more connected than ever through technological means. The disconnect in this instance comes from less and less personal relations with each other because of technology. Globalisation and the intertwining of cultures has also created and led to interesting changes and developments in our interactions. Despite these advancements, developments and changes, the fact remains that we human beings are by nature, social beings. We exist with one another and for one another. We crave connection and interaction with others. From our earliest time on this planet, we’ve understood the importance of community and the reality that we are co-dependant and inter-dependant. Those who lived near the seas and great rivers used to gather and go fishing for their food. Those who lived in-land used to gather and hunt as a collective. These people didn’t gather merely because they had a greater success rate when working together, they gathered because they needed to speak to, laugh with and share thoughts with other human beings.
People Are The Bottom Line by Simon J Nteso & Confidence Seleme
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